Health Guidance Malaysia

COVID-19 Vaccines and Cancer Fears

by Kausalyaa Kaliapan

In 2022, Dr Charles Hoffe, a family physician, propagated a false claim that Covid-19 vaccines damage the immune system and trigger aggressive cancers, including flare -ups in patients previously in remission. As “evidence”, Dr Hoffe cited an anecdote about a 61-year- old diagnosed with lung and spinal cancer in October 2022, a year after receiving his second vaccine dose.

Experts have thoroughly debunked this narrative, confirming that there is no scientific basis for these claims. Extensive clinical trials involving thousands of people, along with numerous studies, have demonstrated the safety of Covid-19 vaccines.

Hundreds of millions of doses have been administered globally, with stringent monitoring systems and it has been found that serious side effects are rare. Both the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society have affirmed that no evidence suggests Covid-19 vaccines cause cancer, increase its aggressiveness or lead to cancer recurrence.

Scientifically, Covid-19 vaccines are designed to train the immune system to recognize and fight the virus without altering the body’s genetic material. When administered, the vaccine helps the immune system gradually learn to attack the virus, providing protection. In contrast, cancer arises from the uncontrolled proliferation of cells, typically due to mutations in DNA. These genetic changes disrupt normal cell function, particularly in terms of growth and division.

The key takeaway is that Covid-19 vaccines do not alter the DNA. Additionally, the components used to develop these vaccines have a short lifespan. For instance, mRNA vaccines do not enter the cell nucleus, where the DNA is located. Instead, they remain in the cytoplasm, where they are rapidly degraded and eliminated. The mRNA from the vaccine cannot integrate into a person’s DNA or alter their genetic code; it serves as a temporary instruction manual.

After delivering their instructions, the mRNA is broken down and eliminated from the body, meaning the vaccine components have no long-term impact on the cells. Importantly, post-vaccination surveillance by health agencies like World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have continuously monitored vaccine safety.

Their data shows no connection between vaccines and cancer. Furthermore, health experts and oncologists have reassured public on this issue. These indicate that the misconception linking Covid-19 vaccines to cancer lacks any scientific support.

Myths often spread faster than facts. Therefore, it is essential to understand that Covid-19 vaccines undergo rigorous testing before public administration and continuously monitored for safety. Nevertheless, if there are any arising concerns, one should not hesitate to consult trusted healthcare professionals for information and guidance.


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