Health Guidance Malaysia

How Long does Immunity Last after COVID-19 Vaccination?

By Pavithra Mohan

One question often asked since the COVID-19 vaccine was introduced is “How long does immunity last after getting vaccinated?” Knowing how long immunity lasts is important for both people and public health initiatives. This article will outline our current understanding of the duration of immunity conferred by COVID-19 vaccinations, the variables that affect it, and if booster injections may be necessary.

It has been demonstrated that COVID-19 vaccinations, including those made by Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson, offer effective protection against the virus. Following immunization, the body creates antibodies and primes the immune system to identify and combat the infection. After vaccination, this initial immune response usually appears a few weeks later.

According to recent study, COVID-19 vaccinations produce protection that lasts for several months. Research indicates that vaccination-induced immunity lasts for a minimum of half a year following the first round of shots. For instance, statistics from Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech show that their vaccinations work for at least six months, if not longer.

The precise length of immunity is still being researched, though. Researchers are keeping a close eye on those who have received vaccinations to find out how long protection lasts and varies over time. Because it helps determine whether booster shots or further dosages are required to maintain a robust immunity, this continuous research is crucial.

There are several factors that can affect how long your immunity lasts following vaccination. To begin with, it matters which vaccine you receive. Certain vaccines, such as those produced by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech, have demonstrated the ability to elicit strong and enduring immune responses.

And there’s the matter of variations in viruses. Your immunity timeline may be tampered with by these tiny bugs. Certain variations may be able to evade the defences that the original immunizations put in place. Don’t worry too much, though, as research indicates that the current vaccinations can still prevent you from becoming really ill in spite of these new versions.

And then, there’s your individual circumstance to think about. How long your immunity lasts can depend on a number of factors, including your age, any underlying medical conditions, and the strength of your immune system. It is possible that immunity does not last as long in older and sicker persons as it does in younger and healthier people. Thus, be mindful of your health and remember to follow up on any booster injections that may be prescribed.

It may become required to have booster shots in order to maintain good protection as immunity waned over time and new variations appeared. Booster shots are extra vaccination doses administered to the immune system to “boost” the response following the initial series.

Health authorities started prescribing booster shots for specific populations, like older persons and those with underlying medical issues, in many different countries in late 2021.

It has been demonstrated that booster shots strengthen and extend immunity. Research shows, for instance, that a booster dose of the Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine considerably raises antibody levels, improving defence against COVID-19, including against some variations.

Current research indicates that immunity following COVID-19 immunization lasts for at least six months, and probably longer. However, the precise length of immunity is still being investigated. This period can be influenced by variables like the type of vaccine, new variations, and individual variances. Understanding long-term immunity and the potential need for booster doses requires ongoing research and observation. People can contribute to ensuring their continuous protection against COVID-19 by remaining aware and adhering to public health advice.


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