Health Guidance Malaysia


by Kausalyaa Kaliapan

The Covid-19 vaccines are formulated with specific ingredients designed to trigger the body’s immune response to the virus. The key components include active ingredients like mRNA or viral vectors, lipids to protect the mRNA or viral vector, sugars to stabilize the vaccine, salts to maintain pH levels, and small amounts of other substances to enhance the efficacy of the vaccines. These vaccines are manufactured following stringent guidelines and undergo extensive clinical testing to ensure their safety, purity, and potency before public administration.

Despite thorough testing and safety measures, misinformation has fuelled vaccine hesitancy. One prevalent myth is that COVID-19 vaccines contain microchips for government or elite tracking purposes. Another false claim suggests that the mRNA vaccine contains “programmable” nanotechnology that can interact with 5G communications technology. In reality, while mRNA vaccines do contain nanoparticles, experts explain that this term merely refers to the small size of the lipid particles used as a coating in the immunization. The “programmable” aspect of these nanoparticles refers to their ability to be modified and adjusted for optimal delivery and stability, not to their capacity to interact with wireless networks.

Moreover, mRNA technology itself has been extensively studied for decades and is designed to deliver genetic instructions to cells to produce protein that triggers an immune response. Experts in medicine, immunology, and vaccine development have thoroughly debunked the idea that COVID-19 vaccines contain microchips or tracking devices. The technology needed to miniaturize tracking devices to the size that could fit through a vaccine needle does not currently exist. Additionally, the needles used for vaccination, which range from 22 to 25 gauge, have internal diameters between 0.26 and 0.41 millimeters, making it impossible to inject a chip with 5G functionality. Furthermore, the vaccine components undergo regular monitoring and inspection by regulatory agencies to ensure their composition adheres strictly to safety standards. Any deviation is promptly detected and addressed, offering further reassurance that these claims are baseless.

Top health organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centres of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the World Economic Forum (WEF), have publicly refuted claims about microchips or tracking devices in COVID-19 vaccines. Scientific studies and expert analyses have thoroughly reviewed vaccine ingredients and manufacturing processes, confirming no evidence supports the presence of microchips or tracking devices in the vaccines. Therefore, the ingredients in COVID-19 vaccines are meticulously chosen to ensure their safety and effectiveness. Misinformation about microchips and tracking devices is baseless and should not deter individuals from receiving these vital vaccinations. Hence, it is crucial to rely on verified scientific information and expert guidance to make informed decisions about Covid-19 vaccination.


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