Health Literacy Vietnam

Current COVID-19 Epidemic Situation: Warning about New Variants

From: On October 20, 2023, the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control decided to move COVID-19 from group A to group B. Although the number of cases, severe cases and deaths has decreased significantly, but There are still...

Some side effects have been reported after COVID-19 vaccination

From: Vaccination is considered a proactive and effective disease prevention method, not only protecting yourself, but also your family and community. Facing the situation of the COVID-19 epidemic spreading rapidly throughout all provinces and...

Portable device provides rapid, accurate diagnosis of tuberculosis, other bacterial infections

A handheld diagnostic device that Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) investigators first developed to diagnose cancer has been adapted to rapidly diagnose tuberculosis (TB) and other important infectious bacteria. Two papers appearing in the...

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