Health Literacy Vietnam

Current COVID-19 Epidemic Situation: Warning about New Variants


On October 20, 2023, the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control decided to move COVID-19 from group A to group B. Although the number of cases, severe cases and deaths has decreased significantly, but There are still aspects that require careful attention and supervision from the authorities. first

Previously, on May 5, 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the COVID-19 epidemic was no longer considered a public health emergency. 2  However, concerns persist, as Omicron’s new EG.5 variant has emerged and is attracting global interest.

The new variant EG.5 is attracting special attention from WHO and health organizations around the world. According to statistics, by mid-July, more than 17% of recorded cases were due to this variant, a significant increase compared to the previous time. Although WHO says EG.5 poses a low risk to public health, careful monitoring and research is still needed. 3

In Vietnam in Ho Chi Minh City, surveillance of variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has recorded the circulation of four sub-variants of Omicron. It is worth noting that the EG.5 variant, although it has been identified in 89 countries, has not yet been detected in Ho Chi Minh City. Hospitals in the city have not yet recorded new cases requiring treatment, but warned of the increased risk if the number of cases increases in some countries. 4

Currently, the JN.1 variant, first discovered in the US in September 2023, is a new concern of the medical community. WHO said JN.1 accounted for about 3% of all coronavirus cases in early November, but a month later globally it had increased to 27.1%. WHO predicts the emergence of JN.1 could cause an increase in cases, especially in countries experiencing winter. 5


  1. Bộ Y tế. Từ 20/10, COVID-19 chính thức thành bệnh truyền nhiễm nhóm B.
  2. Trung tâm truyền thông-Giáo dục sức khỏe Trung ương (Bộ Y tế). Y tế Việt Nam cần làm gì sau tuyên bố của WHO ngày 5/5/2023 “COVID-19 không còn là tình trạng khẩn cấp về y tế toàn cầu”?
  3. Trung tâm Y tế dự phòng quận Phú Nhuận. Biến thể phụ EG.5 Omicron khiến ca COVID-19 tăng, Bộ Y tế và chuyên gia khuyến cáo gì?
  4. Báo Người lao động. Biến thể EG.5 của COVID-19 xuất hiện trên thế giới, ngành y tế TP HCM khuyến cáo.
  5. VietTimes. Biến chủng JN.1 của SARS-CoV-2 đe dọa ngành du lịch một số nước ASEAN. Biến chủng JN.1 của SARS-CoV-2 đe dọa ngành du lịch một số nước ASEAN (


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